Basic Chocolate


In Stock

Course Content:
Variety of Hard Centres like:
1. Roasted Cashew
2. Roasted Almond
3. Rice Crispies
4. Crunchies
5. Sweet-n-sour candy chocolate
6. Butterscotch chocolate
7. Fruit-n-nut
8. Crackle
9. Mango hard centre chocolate
10.Strawberry hard centre chocolate
11.Orange hard centre chocolate
12.Black currant hard centre chocolate
13.Lemon hard centre chocolate
14.Coffee centre chocolate
15.Mint centre chocolate
16.Paan centre Chocolate
17.Marrie choco burger
18.Coconut chocolate
19.Desert Island Chocolate
21.Wafer chocolate
22.Almond Rocks
23.Chocolate Almond crisps
24.Four types of Chocolate Wrapping
25.Basic concept of Chocolate moulding

Course Fee: Rs 2000 /-
Course Duration: 1-2 day – 3-5 hours/day

👉You will take home printed recipes, *CERTIFICATE from Leena’s Khadyam Cooking Academy*, samples of dishes learnt in class and lots of Cooking tips.

â–¶ *Book your seat now by paying fee in bank account or in cash.*

Leena’s Khadyam
Tickle the tastebuds…

Paschim Vihar
New Delhi-110063
Call:011-42547272/ 9212283404

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